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The aim of this study was to examine the factors contributing to relapse among psychiatric patients in Jos University
Teaching Hospital (JUTH). This study employed across sectional survey design and total number of nurses working in
psychiatric units were used. Questionnaires were used to obtain information; data were analysed using descriptive
statistics of frequency count and percentages while hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics of chi-square (on
SPSS). P-value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The demographic characteristics of respondents
indicated that majority are females, married and registered psychiatric nurses. The findings of this study observed that
poor antipsychotic drug adherence, non- compliance with medication regime, stressful life, emotional over
involvement/ depressed mood, substance abuse and peer pressure are factors contributing to relapse among psychiatric
patients. Further findings showed that Schizophrenia, mood disorder, dementia, anxiety disorder, depression and eating
disorder are types psychiatric illness that relapse commonly among psychiatric patients, lastly, this study observed that
Life style change approach, Cognitive behavioural approach (CBT), Effective coping with unavoidable high risk situation
managing relapse, Avoidance of known high risk situation and Support from family and friends were a strategies adopted
by nurses in the prevention of relapse among psychiatric patients. Based on these findings, it was recommended that
mental health nurses should strengthen their therapeutic relationship with patients’ family members. Two hypotheses
were tested and the findings revealed that: There is a significant relationship between strategies adopted by nurses and
prevention of relapse in psychiatric patients and there is a significant relationship between the types of psychiatric
illnesses and factors associated with relapse in psychiatric patients in Jos University Teaching Hospital Psychiatric nurse
experts should embark on regular individual psycho-education sessions and community-based intervention which will
help reduce relapse and improve mental health care service. In conclusion, Patients with psychiatric disorders stand to
benefit greatly from the strategies adopted by nurses in relapse prevention when the relationship is prioritized.

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