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Intensive Care Unit (ICU) rely on an inter-professional approach for holistic care. Critical care Nurses (CCN) has an association with all the professional that cares for critically ill patients. The hierarchical structures of Modern medicine often place nurses in a subservient role. The degree to which these patterns affect inter-professional collaboration in healthcare facilities may vary, yet it is unlikely that even if the most progressive facilities, these patterns are completely not clear despite several efforts to improve interprofessional collaboration. The aim of this study is to explore the means of promoting inter-professional collaboration as perceived by critical care nurses. The study adopted a qualitative research method, and for the purpose of the study, a phenomenological research approach was adopted. The population of the study comprised of critical care nurses (CCN) working in intensive care unit (ICU) of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), Zaria. Purposive sampling was the sampling technique adopted for this study and data was collected until saturation was attained. The research made use of semi structured interview. Collaboration from perspective of CCN was seen as a tripod approach; the nurse, the nurse leader/manager and the employers’ approach/role. Findings of this study revealed that actions to be taken to improve inter-professional collaboration in-service training/update course on critical care nursing, improvement in physical work environment, improvement in communication skills a m o n g t e a m m e m b e r s , a d e q u a t e remuneration/motivation, provision of adequate ICU specific equipment and institution of interprofessional unit discussion/round. It is therefore recommended that mutual respect, effective means of communication, adequate remuneration of workforce, provision of ICU guidelines will be needed to maintain effective collaboration amongst CCU team members.

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