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Cervical cancer is a type of cancer arising from the cervix due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade other parts of the body. It is one of the greatest threats to women’s lives worldwide. It has been described as the second most prevalent cancer affecting women after breast cancer. An ideal screening test is one that is minimally invasive, easy to perform, acceptable to the women, cost-effective and efficacious in diagnosing the disease process in its pre-invasive state when the disease process is more easily treatable and curable .A variety of screening tests have therefore been developed in an attempt to overcome the innate limitations of conventional cytology. Currently, cervical cytology is widely regarded as the gold standard for cervical cancer screening in all developed countries. It is however not feasible to implement a systematic cytology based screening programme in a country like Nigeria. This is mainly due to severe restrictions on the availability of infrastructure, resources and funding. There is a need to develop low cost screening strategies for cervical cancer. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) or Lugol’s iodine (VILI) which is comparatively cost-effective while retaining adequate sensitivity and specificity is advocated. Many studies conducted across Nigeria have revealed low utilization of cervical cancer screening services among various categories of women in spite of the reported high level of awareness. Well planned and organized screening programs with high coverage of the “at risk” group could significantly reduce the number of new cases with cervical cancer and the mortality rate associated with it. The burden of this disease
can only be reduced and controlled by the implementation of evidence based preventive measures, early detection and proper case management

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