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Despite the serious long-term health and economic
consequences, child abuse is still a significant global
problem that is deeply rooted in cultural, economic and
social practices and is on the increase. Therefore, this study
was designed to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of
child abuse among parents in Ilorin South Local government
Area, Kwara State. The descriptive research design was
adopted for this study. A total sample size of 140 parents was
used with 1 sample per every 3households adopted. A
modified standardized child abuse questionnaire was used
in gathering data. For data analysis, frequency, percentages
and chi-square test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05
an alpha level of significance. The results revealed that
majority of the respondents were within the age group of 31-
50 years and were married. 60 (42.9%) of the respondents
were self-employed with 85 (60.7%) having 3-4 children.
Despite the fact that majority of the respondents had high
knowledge of child abuse, most of them still practice it. The
study also revealed that there was a significant relationship
between the practice of child abuse and the occupation of
respondents. The study concluded that the practice of child
abuse still exists in the study area and the type of occupation
influences the practice of child abuse. Therefore,
the government should intensify efforts towards eradication of
poverty in the country by creating job opportunity with good
pay so that parents can adequately provide for their children

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