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Hypertension is one of the most common noncommunicable diseases globally affecting up to about 20% of the world’s adult population. Several challenges are associated with the disease; the complex nature of its therapy and the socio-economic status of many patients have increased reliance on non-conventional treatment. In low-income countries, the use of herbal medicine is common and increasing among hypertensive patients. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the use of herbal medicine and its perceived effectiveness among hypertensive patients attending the outpatient department (the cardio clinic) of the Federal Teaching Hospital Ido-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional survey design. Ninety-two respondents were selected using a consecutive sampling technique. A semi-structured and validated questionnaire was administered to the study participants. The results of this study showed that the level of utilization of herbal medicine among respondents is high (62.3%) and the herbal medicine used for hypertension are ginger/garlic 18(20.9%), cocoa powder15(17.4%) and Agbo (concoction) 15(17.4%). The study further observed that the reasons for utilization of herbal medicine among respondents include disappointment that conventional medicine is not working 35(40.5%). Lastly, this result indicated that the perceived effectiveness of herbal medicine in the treatment of hypertension is positive. The study concluded that the usage and perceived effectiveness of herbal medicine among hypertensive patients is quite high. Hence, adequate awareness and sensitization of the extent of use, benefit, and safety of herbal medicine among hypertensive patients should be properly addressed by healthcare providers.

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