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Global immunization news reveals that 30 high-risk
countries,including Nigeria, are yetto achieve the goal of
the Maternal and Neonatal Tetanus Elimination (MNTE)
initiative.Thisstudy assessed the uptake oftetanustoxoid
(TT) coverage among pregnant women attending
antenatal clinic in a teaching hospital in South-South
Nigeria. A descriptive survey design was adopted, 150
pregnant women were selected through the systematic
sampling technique on 1 in every 5 women that were
present in the clinic. Self-administered questionnaires
were used as instrument for data collection. Data were
analysed through frequency and percentages to describe
the variables. Also, chi square test was used to compare
proportions and associations between categorical
variables.The result ofsocio-demographic characteristics
from the study reveal that majority of the participants are
within the age group of 20–29 years, with secondary
school education (53.3%) and are traders (53.3%).
Further findings reveal that majority of the participants
are married (96.7%) and their parity is multiparameters
(57%). This study indicates that the level of awareness of
tetanus immunization among the participants is
moderate (50%). Also,the source of awarenessisthrough
the health education in the antenatal clinic 98(65.3%),
thirdly, the level of uptake is very low (25%), but, the
uptakeofTT1 inthisstudy isthehighestamongthe4doses.
The hypothesis tested shows that there is a statistically
significant relationships between the level of uptake and
the educational status (÷2 = 23.789, p = 0.023), marital
status(÷2 = 11.347, p = 0.009) and parity (÷2 = 28.245, p
=0.021).Itistherefore recommended thatthere isthe need
to step-up awareness of tetanus toxoid vaccine among
women through outreach, health education to meet the

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