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This article discusses the family health as a “sine qua non” to effective maternal and child health care. Family is defined as a group of people living together united by blood, marriage, birth or adoption with a common goal. There are different types of families and these include but not limited to Nuclear family, Extended family, Single-parent family and Blended family. The concept of family care entails that individual is entitled to receive his/her own care according to the demand of his/her body and state of health. In the expectant family every pregnant mother is expected to receive antenatal, intranatal and postnatal care. A pregnant mother maybe faced with series of health challenges such as financial and social problems which may cause stress, depression and eventually lead to hypertension. She should not be allowed to carry the burden alone, but supported by the husband and other significant family members to ensure that this woman is not weighed down by these challenges. The expectant family care is regarded as “sine qua non” to effective maternal and child health care because the family members and the skilled health care providers as roles to play during the whole period of a woman’s pregnancy, labour and puerperium. The nurse/midwife should inculcate the values of empathy and compassionate care, communication skill, Critical thinking, psychomotor skill, applied therapeutics etc to meet patients physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. In conclusion, it should be noted that shared parenting is an important factor that enhances survival of family members and the society at large.

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