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LAUTECH Journal of Nursing (LJN) has the goal of becoming the most widely cited Nursing Journal in West Africa with Impact Factor Value of 0.625 based on International Citation Report (ICR) for the year 2019-20.

LAUTECH Journal of Nursing focus on but not limited to research findings in the different areas of nursing: Nursing Care, Nursing Education, Medical Surgical Nursing, Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Community Public Health Nursing, and Psychiatric/Mental Nursing.

This journal is published to promote quality scholarly writing and hence instigating and generating vibrant discourse in the different areas of nursing. Apart from providing an outlet for publications of research findings, it offers opportunities for professionals and students to disseminate their views or position on topical issues and emerging theories within the scope of the journal. The Journal is peered reviewed by seasoned scholar. Sixty-eight (68) authors have contributed in one way or the other to this seventh edition.




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